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Eyebrow Hair Transplants in Manchester

Eyebrow hair transplants are a specialised procedure that helps to restore eyebrow hair in people who have lost it due to medical or cosmetic reasons. The procedure uses the latest technology, such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), to extract individual hairs from the back of the scalp and transplant them into areas lacking brow hairs. This treatment is offered at Harley Street Hair Transplants Manchester and provides natural-looking results that can last for years. Our experienced team of surgeons and technicians use advanced techniques and pay close attention to detail to ensure a successful outcome.

Eyebrow hair transplants offer an aesthetic solution for individuals experiencing thinning eyebrows, patchy baldness, or receding hairlines due to age, illness, over-plucking, waxing, and other causes. With years of experience in the field, we can provide you with a personalised plan to achieve natural-looking results.

Contact us today to learn more about our eyebrow hair transplant services.

Why more and more people are choosing eyebrow hair transplants

More and more people are opting for eyebrow hair transplants as a permanent solution for thinning brows - and with good reason. Eyebrow hair transplant is a cosmetic procedure that involves the transplantation of hair follicles from the scalp or other parts of the body to the eyebrow area. This procedure is becoming increasingly popular as more people seek to enhance their appearance and improve their self-confidence.

Here are some reasons why you might choose to undergo an eyebrow hair transplant:

  • Thin or Sparse Eyebrows: Some people may have naturally thin or sparse eyebrows due to genetics, over-plucking, or other medical conditions. This can lead to a lack of definition or asymmetry in the eyebrows, which can be a source of self-consciousness. An eyebrow hair transplant can help to restore a fuller, more natural-looking eyebrow.
  • Scarring or Trauma: Accidents, burns, or surgeries can cause scarring or trauma to the eyebrow area, leading to hair loss. An eyebrow hair transplant can be an effective solution to restore hair growth in the affected area and improve the appearance of scarring.
  • Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions such as alopecia areata or trichotillomania can cause hair loss in the eyebrow area. An eyebrow hair transplant can help to restore hair growth in these cases and improve the appearance of the eyebrows.
  • Cosmetic Enhancement: Some people may simply want to enhance the appearance of their eyebrows for cosmetic reasons. An eyebrow hair transplant can help to create a more defined, symmetrical, and aesthetically pleasing eyebrow shape.

Overall, an eyebrow hair transplant can be a safe and effective procedure for people who want to improve the appearance of their eyebrows.

At Harley Street Hair Transplants Manchester, our GMC registered surgeons are qualified and experienced when it comes to eyebrow hair transplantation. Consult with us today to determine whether this procedure is right for you and to discuss the potential risks and benefits.

Planning for a Hair Transplant?

Planning for a hair transplant is an important step towards achieving your desired look. Before undergoing the procedure, it is important to consult with a qualified hair transplant surgeon to discuss your expectations, assess your suitability for the procedure, and create a personalised treatment plan. Our surgeons will evaluate your hair loss pattern, hair density, and donor area to determine the number of hair grafts needed and the best technique for your individual needs. Additionally, we will provide you with pre-operative instructions, such as avoiding blood-thinning medication and smoking, and post-operative care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. It is important to follow these instructions carefully to optimise the success of the hair transplant procedure. With careful planning and the guidance of our skilled hair transplant surgeons, you can achieve natural-looking and long-lasting results from your hair transplant procedure.

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A female before undergoing a FUE eyebrow hair transplant
A female after undergoing a FUE eyebrow hair transplant
A female before and after undergoing a FUE eyebrow hair transplant
A female before and after undergoing a FUE eyebrow hair transplant
A female before and after undergoing a FUE eyebrow hair transplant
A female before and after undergoing a FUE eyebrow hair transplant

Our range of Hair Loss Treatments

Patient Care Is Our Leading Priority

FUE is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require a large incision or stitches, resulting in minimal scarring and a faster recovery time.

FUT can be an effective hair restoration option for patients with larger areas of baldness or those who require a higher number of grafts.

 Non Surgical Hair Loss Treatment

 Non-surgical hair restoration treatment makes use of the patient's own blood to promote hair growth.

Eyebrow hair transplants are a specialised hair restoration procedure that involves transplanting hair follicles from the scalp to the eyebrows.

Beard hair transplants are a specialized hair restoration procedure that involves transplanting hair follicles from the scalp or other areas of the body to the beard area.

Female hair transplants are a specialized hair restoration procedure that involves transplanting hair follicles to the areas of thinning or balding hair in women.



Bespoke Eyebrow Hair Transplants in Manchester

At Harley Street Hair Transplants Manchester, our Eyebrow team deliver bespoke eyebrow restoration through the use of a technique called facial framing. Facial framing is an important consideration when it comes to an eyebrow transplant. The shape and position of the eyebrows can have a significant impact on the overall appearance of the face, as they help to frame the eyes and create balance and symmetry.

When planning an eyebrow transplant, our hair transplant surgeons will take into consideration the shape and position of your natural eyebrows, as well as your facial features, to determine the most suitable eyebrow shape and position for your face.

The goal of an eyebrow transplant is to create natural-looking eyebrows that complement your facial features and enhance your overall appearance. This requires careful consideration of the shape, size, and position of the eyebrows, as well as the thickness and density of the hair grafts.

If the eyebrows are positioned too high or too low on the face, it can create an unbalanced or unnatural appearance. Similarly, if the shape of the eyebrows does not complement your facial features, it can draw attention away from your eyes and create an unflattering look.

Therefore, our surgeons will carefully evaluate your facial structure and take into consideration your personal preferences to create a customised treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs. They may use computer imaging software to show you a preview of what your new eyebrows will look like, so you can have a better idea of the final result.

In conclusion, facial framing is an important consideration when it comes to an eyebrow transplant. The shape and position of the eyebrows can have a significant impact on the overall appearance of the face.

At our Manchester Hair Transplant Clinic, our qualified and experienced surgeons have a track record of successful eyebrow transplant procedures. With proper planning and care, an eyebrow transplant can provide natural-looking, long-lasting results that enhance your overall appearance and boost your self-confidence.

Call us today to arrange a free consultation!

What are the advantages of an eyebrow hair transplant?

Eyebrow hair transplants are an increasingly popular method for restoring the appearance of eyebrows. Hair Transplants Manchester is a leading provider of this procedure, which offers several advantages over other eyebrow restoration treatments. This includes natural, permanent results with little to no scarring, minimal recovery time and painless transplantation.

Additionally, eyebrow hair transplants can effectively restore sparse or thinning brows without having to use long-term topical solutions such as dyes or inks. Unlike other methods that require frequent reapplication, an eyebrow hair transplant gives you the freedom to maintain naturally full brows without worrying about touch-ups or upkeep.

Overall, eyebrow hair transplants provide patients with an effective solution for achieving natural looking results that last.  Furthermore, Hair Transplants Manchester has the expertise to ensure that you receive a successful transplant, and can make sure your eyebrows look their best. If you’re looking for a lasting solution for eyebrow restoration, then eyebrow hair transplants may be right for you. 

To learn more about this treatment and see if it is the right option for you, contact our Hair Transplants Manchester team today.

How much does an eyebrow hair transplant cost?

The cost of an eyebrow hair transplant in the UK can vary depending on the size and extent of the procedure. Generally, you can expect to pay anywhere from £2,000 to £3,500 for a full eyebrow restoration. However, prices may be higher or lower depending on your specific circumstances.

Compared to other eyebrow restoration methods, eyebrow hair transplants are often more expensive. However, many people find that the results of this method far outweigh its cost. In addition, you make a great saving long term on over the counter eyebrow restoration products, making it a great value for money procedure.

Why do women lose their eyebrows?

Women can lose their eyebrows due to a variety of reasons, including genetics, aging, medical conditions, over-plucking, and trauma. Thinning or patchy eyebrows can be a significant source of distress and self-consciousness for women, affecting their self-esteem and overall quality of life.

Genetics can play a significant role in eyebrow hair loss. Some women may have naturally thin or sparse eyebrows due to their genetic makeup, while others may experience eyebrow hair loss as they age. Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during menopause, can also contribute to eyebrow hair loss.

Medical conditions such as alopecia areata, thyroid disorders, and eczema can also cause eyebrow hair loss. In addition, over-plucking or aggressive eyebrow shaping can cause damage to the hair follicles, leading to eyebrow hair loss.

Why women are choosing eyebrow hair transplants?

For women who are unhappy with the appearance of their eyebrows due to hair loss, an eyebrow hair transplant can be an effective solution. During this procedure, hair follicles are harvested from the scalp or other parts of the body and transplanted into the eyebrow area. This results in natural-looking, permanent hair growth in the eyebrow area.

There are several benefits to undergoing an eyebrow hair transplant. It can restore the appearance of the eyebrows, resulting in a fuller, more defined, and symmetrical eyebrow shape. This can improve a woman's overall appearance and boost her self-confidence.

Moreover, an eyebrow hair transplant is a safe and relatively low-risk procedure. It can be performed under local anaesthesia, and the recovery time is minimal. In addition, the results of an eyebrow hair transplant are permanent, meaning that women do not need to worry about eyebrow hair loss in the future. This can result in lower anxiety levels and also savings on purchasing over the counter products on a repeated basis

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does an eyebrow hair transplant hurt

    An eyebrow hair transplant procedure typically involves taking hair follicles from one part of the body (usually the back of the scalp) and transplanting them to the eyebrow area. During the procedure, local anesthesia is used to numb the area, so you shouldn't feel any pain. However, you may feel some discomfort or a sensation of pressure as the surgeon works on your eyebrows.

    After the procedure, you may experience some minor discomfort and swelling, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers and ice packs. Most people are able to resume their normal activities within a day or two following the procedure.

    Overall, while an eyebrow hair transplant may cause some temporary discomfort, it should not be a painful experience. As with any medical procedure, it's important to discuss any concerns or questions you have with your doctor or surgeon prior to the procedure.

  • When is an eyebrow hair transplant necessary?

    An eyebrow hair transplant may be considered necessary in several situations, including:

    Thin or Sparse Eyebrows: Some people may have naturally thin or sparse eyebrows, or may have lost eyebrow hair due to genetics, aging, or medical conditions such as alopecia. An eyebrow transplant can help restore a fuller, more natural-looking eyebrow.

    Trauma or Scarring: If a person has suffered trauma to the eyebrow area or has scarring that has caused hair loss, an eyebrow transplant can help to restore hair growth and improve the appearance of the eyebrow.

    Over-Plucking or Over-Waxing: Over-plucking or over-waxing the eyebrows can cause damage to the hair follicles, leading to thinning or sparse eyebrows. In these cases, an eyebrow transplant can help to restore the natural fullness of the eyebrows.

    Cosmetic Enhancement: Some people may simply want to enhance the appearance of their eyebrows for cosmetic reasons. An eyebrow transplant can help to reshape or thicken the eyebrows, giving them a more defined and attractive look.

    Ultimately, the decision to undergo an eyebrow hair transplant should be made on a case-by-case basis, in consultation with a qualified medical professional. They can help determine if an eyebrow transplant is the right choice for you based on your individual needs and goals.

  • Is an eyebrow hair transplant permanent?

    Yes, an eyebrow hair transplant is generally considered to be a permanent solution for eyebrow hair loss or thinning. This is because the transplanted hair follicles are taken from a part of the body (usually the scalp) that is not affected by the same factors that may have caused the eyebrow hair loss in the first place.

    The transplanted hair follicles are carefully inserted into the eyebrow area, where they will take root and continue to grow just like natural eyebrow hair. Once the transplanted hair has fully grown in, it can be trimmed or shaped just like natural eyebrow hair.

  • How long will it take to see results?

    After an eyebrow hair transplant procedure, the transplanted hair follicles will go through a natural growth cycle, which means that it may take several months to see the full results. However, most patients begin to see some initial growth within the first few weeks following the procedure.

    In the first 2-3 weeks, the transplanted hairs may fall out, which is a normal part of the healing process. Over the next few months, new hair will begin to grow from the transplanted follicles. By around six months after the procedure, patients will typically see significant growth and improvement in the appearance of their eyebrows.

    The final results of an eyebrow hair transplant can take up to a year to fully develop, as the hair continues to grow and mature. However, many patients are able to see a significant improvement in the fullness and shape of their eyebrows within just a few months after the procedure.

  • Will an eyebrow hair transplant be noticeable?

    The goal of an eyebrow hair transplant is to achieve natural-looking results that are not easily noticeable. Our skilled surgeons use advanced techniques to carefully select and place the hair follicles in a way that mimics the natural growth pattern of eyebrow hair.

    When performed by an experienced surgeon, an eyebrow hair transplant should look natural and indistinguishable from natural eyebrow hair. The transplanted hair should blend seamlessly with the existing eyebrow hair and enhance the overall appearance of the eyebrows.

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